UO Volunteers

Dedicated alumni and friends generously commit their time, resources and knowledge to the advancement of the university. Volunteers serve on boards, recruit and mentor students, and act as liaisons, connecting their communities and regions to the exciting things happening on campus.

UO Volunteer Opportunities

Dads gates

The Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon is the university’s governing body. The broad responsibilities of this 15-member group are to supervise, coordinate, manage, and regulate the UO, as provided by state statute. The trustees may exercise all powers, rights, duties, and privileges expressly granted by law or that are incidental to their responsibilities.

UO Foundation

The UO Foundation is a nonprofit corporation responsible for administering private gifts made to further the University's mission. Trustees act as a responsible fiduciary, ensuring management of the Foundation and adhering to practices of good governance.

UO Colleges and Schools

Each of the nine school and colleges are assisted by a volunteer board of alumni and professionals dedicated to the advancement of its respective mission by providing advisory assistance to the dean and faculty and through fundraising efforts.

University of Oregon Ambassadors are former university and foundation trustees, past volunteer board members and donors who help tell the UO story and spread excitement for the university’s goals and pursuits. They stay connected to the university and and lend help and expertise in a variety of volunteer roles across the country.

UO Alumni Association Logo

UO Alumni Association chapters offer an extended network of Ducks throughout the world. Chapters provide local alumni opportunities to connect around engaging and educational programming, fun social activities, and rewarding philanthropic events.

Sign up to learn more about volunteering

Get in Touch

For more information on volunteer opportunities at the University of Oregon, contact Wendy Westphal in Donor Relations and Outreach.

Email: wattrell@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-8573

Ducks flying in Formation