Profiles in Excellence

Deep in the woods, where green is color and chemistry, between mountains and ocean, there's a special breed of Ducks who are motivated by curiosity and the need to find a better way. Click through the profiles below and meet some of the curious, inquisitive, collaborative Ducks who are asking big questions, finding new answers, and making the world better with the help of dedicated donors like you.
Video: UO Foundation board chair reflects on how inspiration and gratitude led to giving and leadership.
How does an architecture student become cofounder of a $5 billion startup?
Josh Snodgrass studies the health of indigenous peoples in some pretty extreme places. And here in his lab, he works with incoming Ducks.
How can students approach big topics like climate change through the arts and humanities? Stephanie LeMenager has some ideas.
It's a long way from the football field to the art studio. But the opportunities there made an impact on Tony Washington.
With help from scholarships, here's a student who's riding her talents, intellect, and a longboard on the road to big dreams.

You can't see it, but you can hear it. What Jeffrey Stolet and his students do in Future Music Oregon is pretty special.

In high school, this Montana cowgirl (and honor student) yearned to be a Duck. Scholarships made it possible.

When you’re an SOJC student focusing on journalism, here we call you a Super J. It’s a fitting title for Samantha Matsumoto.

For Matthew Pittman, the long and winding road to a PhD has taken some unusual turns. 

In high school, Julia Reihs fell in love with storytelling. At the UO, she turned her passion into a career.

The UO is where you can try new things and explore murky waters while you discover your major—and your calling. 
What secrets doth a sabertooth salmon hold? Edward Davis is determined to find out.
What's the one thing Annie Zeidman-Karpinksi, our Singer Science Librarian, likes more than gaining knowledge?
Jake Mahon
Thanks to scholarships, Jake Mahon overcame poverty and a rough home life to become a teacher and PhD candidate.
Pat Tillman had the courage to follow his conscience. His life inspired grad student and Tillman scholar Matt McCallum.

Music was the path for Priscilla to come to Oregon. But it also took help from family, friends, and scholarships.

Virtual reality. Just for nerds, right? This J-school prof has discovered some unexpected applications for the new technology.
Meet some scientists working across disciplines to make the world a little greener.

Ashley Carter came to Oregon from Yale to pursue a global response to climate change. And shoot some hoops.

Austin Wong started college at 16. He didn’t wait to begin pursuing his life’s work either, starting Oregon Medical Brigades.
Ducks flying in Formation