Annual Philanthropy


Where Giving is Personal 

Annual Philanthropy at the University of Oregon is where many lifelong donors get their start. From our annual day of giving, to our DuckFunder campaigns, Annual Philanthropy is one of the most essential and impactful areas of giving for supporting our students, faculty, and community. In fact, most of the things that make Oregon unique—our challenging academic programs, encouraging environment, and beautiful campus—are supported by annual gifts from our close-knit community of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. 

Where Giving Adds Up 

Gifts made to Annual Philanthropy support students through their living and learning experiences every day, from removing financial barriers to creating formative academic experiences. This is also where you can support the areas that matter the most to you--and where every gift, regardless of size, has the power to make a big impact. These are often first-time gifts, reoccurring gifts, or special gifts made through our DuckFunder or Day of Giving campaigns. 

Where Giving Changes Lives 

Tuition and fees alone do not cover the full cost of educating a student at the UO. And although we are a public school, state assistance covers less than 6 percent of our operating budget. Gifts to scholarships and student aid funds remove financial barriers and provide students with resources to be successful and to thrive. UO is also a hub for creativity, discovery, research, and innovation -- thanks to our donors. Annual philanthropy gifts have helped create a campus where students have the tools and opportunities to be their best and achieve great things. While everyone has their own reason for giving, we share a love for the UO and a belief in its mission. 

Learn more about the difference your gifts make and the many ways to give.

Ducks flying in Formation